25 Men to Attend the Next Vocation Weekend at the Dominican House of Studies

March 28, 2011

April 1-3, 2011 will be our fourth and last vocation weekend for this academic year at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. We are to capacity with 25 men scheduled to participate. While most of those coming are from the East Coast, the weekend will be an international event with men coming from the United Kingdom, Canada and as far west as North Dakota and Wisconsin.

I myself am from “out west” coming from the state of Colorado.  I decided to join the Province of St. Joseph (Eastern) after I studied at  Providence College in Providence, Rhode Island.  Our 58 student friars currently in formation & institutional studies come from all over the United States.

I recently wrote about the power of prayer for these weekends and how we rely very much on our Dominican Nuns & Sisters to whom I send the names of the participants of each weekend.  I ask each of you also to pray for the men who will come to consider God’s call in their lives!

Oh and by the way, next year’s vocation weekends are already filling up.  Do you think now might be the time to contact me to plan an informal visit or to register for the next vocation weekend?

Chapel of the Priory of the Immaculate Conception (Dominican House of Studies), Washington, DC
Holy Father, St. Dominic receives the Holy Rosary (above high altar, Dominican House of Studies)
The Cloister at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC
Friars outside Chapel praying the De Profundis for the deceased friars just before dinner.
See also: 

      Discere et Docere: The Identity and Mission of the Dominican House Of Studies

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