Caroling Dominican Friars Meet Bananas in Nation’s Capital – The New Evangelization!

December 16, 2012

During this holy season of Advent and the Year of Faith, our student friars went caroling in Chinatown near the Gallery Place Metro in Washington DC.

Christmas Homily of Archbishop DiNoia

Caroling friars and bananas met “with some festive cheer,” some dancing, and a little of the New Evangelization was accomplished!

Bro. Timothy starts it out around 2:20 saying, “We’re going to sing and you then…dance!”

The friars will be caroling again later this week as we await Our Savior’s Birth. The video ends with the people shouting: “ONE MORE! ONE MORE!”

Holy cards were distributed to passersby and they had some great conversations with DC’ers – thanks be to God.  Come Lord Jesus!


Consider becoming a Dominican Friar by coming on our next vocation weekend.

Join us for Christmas at the Dominican House of Studies and hear these same friars sing again!

Monday, December 24, 2012 – Christmas Eve
11:00 pm Christmas Hymns by Dominican Schola with Martyrology
11:30 pm Christmas Mass at Night
Tuesday, December 25, 2012 – Christmas Day
11:15 am Mass of Christmas Day

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