The Grace St. Dominic Brings to the World: A Fresh Look at Dominican Spirituality

March 28, 2012

The Grace St. Dominic Brings to the World: A Fresh Look at Dominican Spiritualitypublished in Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture by Fr. Romanus Cessario OP is a great look at the Dominican Spiritual life.  Here is a little excerpt: The Dominican form of life flows from the grace Saint Dominic introduces into the world. It is a marvelous thing to ponder that one specific grace, originally embodied in the Castilian priest, Dominic of Caleruega, today unites Dominican priests and cooperator brothers all over the world (…) We received special permission from Logos at the University of St. Thomas to publish this article here for men considering a vocation with us, so check it out! Our next vocation weekends can be found here.

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